At the Fuji Furukawa E&C (“FFEC”) Group, by creating value through the implementation of our company philosophy, our aim is to support the creation of a sustainable society and to achieve continuous corporate growth.
Moreover, through sincere efforts to address climate change and other global social issues through our business activities, we will work to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To continue to develop alongside society, as a Group we will tackle the Material Issues we have identified as matters of priority in the areas of the environment, society, and governance (ESG), thereby creating a better future.
Message from the President
Maximizing value through reform and growth and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society
Sustainability Promotion System
We have established a Sustainability Committee as a body to discuss policies and measures relating to sustainability.
The Sustainability Committee is chaired by the President and comprises Executive Officers and Branch Managers, while the Sustainability Promotion Department serves as its secretariat and is responsible for the planning and execution of sustainability measures.
The Committee holds regular discussions on the company’s sustainability activities and makes proposals and provides reports to the Board of Directors. To achieve its targets, the committee drives Group-wide initiatives while working with Company-wide Committees and group companies.
Collaborating Company-wide Committees and Roles
Name of Committee | Roles |
Compliance Committee | Planning, creation, and promotion of policies and measures aimed at compliance with laws, regulations, and internal rules |
Quality and Environmental Promotion Committee | Planning, creation, and promotion of basic policies related to company-wide high reliability activities (QR) and environmental management systems |
Central Safety and Health Committee | Planning, creation, and deliberation of company-wide safety and health management policies and promotion of safety and health management |
Human Rights Education Committee | Planning and implementation of human rights education activities |
Overtime Reduction (Workstyle Reform) Committee | Decisions on activity policies and management of progress of measures aimed at eliminating excessive working hours |
Technological Development and DX Promotion Committee | Planning, creation, development, and promotion of medium- to long-term business options Planning, creation, and promotion of DX activity policies and measures for improvements in productivity and operational quality |
Procurement Committee | Planning, creation, and promotion of company-wide procurement policies and strategies |
Skills Development Committee | Planning, creation, and promotion of matters related to human resource development and skills development |
Material Issues
- Environment
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Strengthening of renewable energy initiatives
- Contribution to a recycling-oriented society
- Social
- Promotion of occupational safety and health, Improvement of construction quality
- Encouragement of health and productivity management (Promotion of work-life balance)
- Ensuring and training diverse human resources
- Development of responsible supply chain management
- Governance
- Strengthening of corporate governance
Main SDGs
Relating to the
FFEC Group’s Businesses