Our Basic Approach to Corporate Governance
- The basic policy of the Fuji Furukawa E&C Group (Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. and its subsidiaries, the same applies below) is to contribute to all of our stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, by striving to generate economic gain and maximize the Group’s corporate value, and by strengthening management as a Group.
- Further, in addition to striving to build appropriate business execution and supervisory/monitoring systems to enable timely and fearless decision-making to respond to changes in the social or economic environment, we will pursue a system of corporate governance that is based on diverse, medium-to-long-term perspectives.
Our System of Corporate Governance
- In line with the basic approach to corporate governance outlined above, Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction chooses to be a Company with an Audit & Supervisory Board, believing that separating management supervision and monitoring from business execution functions, and having Audit & Supervisory Board Members and an Audit & Supervisory Board, who are independent of the Board of Directors, perform appropriate supervision and monitoring functions by exercising their independent information-gathering capabilities, will contribute to achieving compliance.
- Further, in order to help timely and fearless decision-making, we have introduced a corporate officer system; and a management meeting, attended mainly by these corporate officers, is convened in principle twice a month.
- In order to enhance the corporate value of the Group, Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction administers its subsidiaries so as to ensure that management is carried out in accordance with the above basic approach to corporate governance, while at the same time guaranteeing the independence of each subsidiary.
Organisational Chart of Our System of Corporate Governance
Basic Policies
1. Ensuring the Rights and Parity of Shareholders
In addition to providing timely and appropriate disclosure of information, we will strive to maintain an environment that enables the smooth exercise of voting rights so as to ensure in real terms the rights of the shareholders.
2. Appropriate Collaboration with Stakeholders Other than the Shareholders
We will strive to work appropriately with all stakeholders based on the recognition that contributing to society through our business operations is essential for the sustainable growth of the Fuji Furukawa E&C Group and enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long term.
3. Ensuring Appropriate Disclosure of Information and Transparency
In order to ensure transparency in management, earn the trust of society and be fairly evaluated, we will strive to disclose information, including non-financial information, in a fair, timely and appropriate manner.
4. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
For the sake of decision-making that is transparent, fair, timely and fearless, the Board of Directors will strive to fulfil its functions and responsibilities in an appropriate manner.
5. Dialogue with the Shareholders
From the perspective of the sustainable growth of the Fuji Furukawa E&C Group and the medium to long term enhancement of our corporate value, we will strive to actively promote constructive dialogue with our shareholders and investors.